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April Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I’m grateful that the School Board, Pui Tak Center Board, and Deacon Board of CCUC have all approved the construction of two additional classrooms in the Impact Center. No time was wasted in starting the construction of these new classrooms. Drawings are close to completion after working with architects. We are working with contractors to get the construction moving and obtaining a permit. By God’s grace, the classrooms will be ready by the time school starts in September.

Beginning the school year of 2016-2017 and moving forward, the faculty has decided to keep 4th and above in a blended learning environment, whether the grades are mixed or not. I and the upper elementary teachers are pleased with the performance and results from our students of the blended learning classes. Mrs. Calito, along with the teaching team, has turned blended learning into reality at our school. Having a blended learning environment for the past two years has given us opportunities to learn from it as educators. Introducing 3rd and 4th grade to blended learning did not come without its challenges, as blended learning by nature requires learners to conduct themselves more independently.

Under the leadership of Miss Janis Man, the current 3rd and 4th grade are equipped with skills and will continue blended learning into 4th-5th mixed for the 2016-2017 school year. I am confident with having 6th-8th mixed for the 2016-2017 school year, as they continue learning under the leadership of Mrs. Jennifer Calito in a well-established blended learning environment. For 3rd and below, students will receive technology supported education so as to prepare them for blended learning in the future. With the additional classrooms, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade will have their own classrooms.

Another piece of comforting news, we have reached 100% retention with our faculty this year and I am thankful for their commitment to our students! Please join me in praying for the hiring of additional teachers as we expand and for the needed funding for the new classrooms’ construction. Your support in any form is needed more than ever! Thank you!

In His service,

Bonnie Ho

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