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Year of the Monkey, but No "Monkey Business" With This Newsletter

Dear Parents,

On Thursday, January 28, a handful of students arrived to school early for the Principal Honor Roll Breakfast. At PTCS, we take pride in the accomplishments our students make and try to acknowledge those accomplishments with awards like the Angel Slips, Fruit of the Spirit Award, Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and Character Award.

That morning at the breakfast, it was confirmed that the Principal Honor Roll certificate is important to the students. “I feel so excited because [we] made it,” said Kayla Liang, a first grader who received Principal Honor Roll for the first time. Samantha Williams, a fourth grader who has received Principal Honor Roll in the past, said, “I like coming here and getting the certificate and I like hanging out with my friends that also got all A’s.”

I was encouraged by the words of a fellow principal and parent of a student, Principal Rucker from William H. Ryder School. He spoke a few words of encouragement to the students and personally told me it was a nice thing we are doing. PTCS is totally honored that other teachers and principals, like Principal Rucker, are sending their kids to us. When I meet with parents that are teachers or principals, we are able to exchange ideas and it is a blessing to me!

We want all our students to do their best so we encourage those who receive awards and also encourage those who are still working towards receiving an award.

In His Service,

Bonnie Ho

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