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Your prayers count!

Dear friend, Thank you for journeying with us thus far, may we have been edified along the way. Project Nehemiah is a God-given vision to extend our tent; to reach out to the multitude with His gospel. With such vision God has led us “out into the deep water”, for nothing extraordinary occurs in shallow water. I believe that when God's hand is on our case, nets will break, and boats will sink overloaded with fish. Much like the day when Jesus’ disciples encountered Him on the shore, Jesus moved them from the safety of the seen to the risks of the unseen. God’s miraculous works were then displayed. (Luke 5:4-11) I witness God’s miraculous works on display in Project Nehemiah; He has led us past the $2 million mark. I praise God for that, and I thank you for taking part in it. As for the remaining $1.68 million to be raised by the end of February, I do not have the answers. I need you to pray with me for His provision. I am His messenger, but to whom else shall I tell His stories; I do not yet know. I am praying for divine appointments, so please pray with me. If God places a person in your mind with whom I should share the vision of Project Nehemiah, please let me know. Thank you and God bless!

In His Grace, Bonnie Ho

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