Dear Friend, We are delighted to announce our very own Giving Tuesday LIVE Fundraising Event, an extravaganza unlike any we’ve ever hosted before. Tune in on Facebook December 3, 2019 from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM for 12 hours of streaming. Donation matching starts via Facebook at 7 AM, sharp! MORE GOOD NEWS! We are thrilled to reveal a generous matching donor pool of $500,000! That’s right! We have half a million dollars on the line! To unlock these funds, we need to bring in half a million or more on December 3 that can be matched dollar for dollar! You can participate via giving on Facebook, stopping in our school with a check, or mailing a check. Our goal is $1 Million+ in ONE DAY! Throughout the day, you can expect performances, interviews, classroom visits, guests, surprises and of course GIVEAWAYS! You must tune in via Facebook to enter into prize drawings. EVEN BETTER! This year, you can multiply your impact up to 4X. 1. Log in on the PTCS Facebook page and give at exactly 7 AM on December 3 for a chance at a matching grant from Facebook. 2. We have the PTCS Board donor pool that will match any amount we receive on Giving Tuesday, dollar for dollar, up to $500,000!!! 3. Check with your employer’s HR to see if your company matches charitable giving. On December 3, $100 can become $400 through the different matching opportunities we have! Let’s build our community together. This Thanksgiving, give thanks through the act of giving back! Give the gift of quality education that goes beyond strong academics to nurture the whole child! See you on Giving Tuesday! Join our movement, Bonnie Ho and Rosalind Yang P.s. Check our Facebook and school website this week as we announce guests and giveaways! And don’t forget to share our event with your network!
親愛的朋友, 我們懷著興奮的心情向您宣布培德基督教學校今年「慈善星期二」的募捐活動——這將是一次前所未有的盛會。本校將在Facebook上進行12小時的流媒體直播,於2019年12月3日早上6:30開始,至晚上6:30結束。 Facebook 匹配捐款的開始時間是早上7點整! 我們有更多的好消息!本校董事們已承諾提供 50 萬美元用於匹配捐款,等著您來匹配。為要取得這 50 萬元專款,我們需要在12月3日募款50萬美元,用來匹配此捐款。您可以通過Facebook 進行捐款,或是將支票送至或郵寄到我們學校。我們的目標是一天內籌得 100 萬美元或以上的資金! 在「慈善星期二」當天,您可以觀看本校在 Facebook 上的直播,內容包括表演,訪談,課堂參觀,特邀嘉賓,當然還有我們的禮物!您需要通過 Facebook 來進入抽獎活動的項目。 更令人激動的消息是,今年,讓您的投資翻兩倍。 1. 登錄培德學校 Facebook 頁面,並在12月3日早上7點整進行捐款,您將有機會獲得Facebook 一元對一元的匹配。 2. 培德校董們已為您準備了50 萬美元等著您來匹配!這也是一元對一元的匹配! 3. 您的雇主很可能也設有慈善捐贈匹配的計劃,請同您公司的人事部門諮詢。 在12月3日,通過以上不同的匹配方式,100 美元可以變成 400 美元!讓我們一起建設我們的社區,就在這個感恩節,通過回饋進行感恩!請您支持「培德」的優質教育,在奠定堅實學業成績的同時,用心培育每一個孩子! 「慈善星期二」,在本校 Facebook 的直播中,我們與您不見不散! 永沐主恩, 何述珍 楊珮琳 注意:請點擊我們的Facebook 主頁和學校網站,查看我們的特邀嘉賓和贈品!請不要忘記與親友分享我們的活動!