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Because of You, We Are Thankful!

Bonnie Ho

Dear Friend, Last week, we invited the Pui Tak Christian School family to share their thoughts about what PTCS Spirit means to them. We are grateful for the outpouring of supportive comments and words of encouragement via Facebook posts. When a parent shares, "The Pui Tak spirit to me is bringing up children with values that will eventually help the children to become the best of themselves...the welcoming not just to the students, but their whole family," we cannot help but overflow with thanksgiving. We have prayed and worked for these very things, and we know we’re on the right track! The conversation generated on our Facebook page was thoughtful and meaningful. We enjoyed reading these insights. To see these comments and to see footage of our winning Class Cheers, please visit our Facebook! While we’re called to give thanks each day, we especially share reasons to rejoice during this season of gratitude. At PTCS, we are grateful that families entrust their children to us. We are grateful for the community of supporters, encouragers, leaders, teachers, partners and volunteers who grace us with their time, talent and treasure. As we push ahead to Giving Tuesday, we have many more reasons to celebrate! God has been opening pathways to new partners and deepening the connections within the community we already have. In our next letter, we will have exciting news to share! As we recognize the abundance that has been given to us, we consider the ways we can give back and invite you to consider with us! With our sincere gratitude, Bonnie Ho and Rosalind Yang


親愛的朋友, 上週,我們邀請了培德基督教學校的家人們分享了他們對學校精神的想法。在Facebook帖子下,我們收到了改革的支持與鼓勵,對此,我們十分感謝。看到一位家長分享: “對我而言, 培德精神正在培育出具有價值觀的孩子,最終將幫助他們成為最好的自己。學校不僅歡迎學生,而且歡迎他們的整個家庭”,我們的感恩難以言表。這正是我們的禱告,也是我們的努力。如今,我們更肯定我們的團隊是正中目標。 我們很高興能閱讀這些分享,並挑選了其中的一個,放在本週的視頻中。請記得觀看!查看其他評論以及Class Cheers優勝者的表演,請訪問我們的Facebook主頁! 雖然我們每天都在致謝,但我們把這段時光作為契機,特別分享了感恩的原因。在培德基督教學校,我們感謝每一個家庭將子女信託給我們。我們感謝支持者,鼓勵者,領導者,老師,合作夥伴和志願者共同組成的社區,感謝他們為我們付出了寶貴的時間與才華。 隨著Giving Tuesday一天天臨近,我們也有了更多的理由來慶祝!我們一直在藉助神的恩典打開道路,結交新的合作夥伴,並加深我們現有社區內部的聯繫。在下一封信中,我們將與您分享令人振奮的消息!當我們認識到所得之豐厚,我們也在思考回饋的方式,也請您與我們一同反思! 永沐主恩, 何述珍 楊珮琳

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