Dear Friend, Welcome back to the new school year! While we welcome our students back to school this year, we also welcome new supporters of Project Nehemiah to come alongside us on this journey! For those who have been running the race with us, we warmly embrace you and thank you once again. More than ever, we need the hands and feet of God’s people and the community to carry us to the next level. We have a year of rigorous academic and spiritual learning planned for our students. We also have ambitious fundraising goals to move Project Nehemiah forward. We can’t do it without you! A lot has happened since our last update. We have much to praise God for!
The 7-week summer program that served over 330 students
2 Weeks of Staff Planning & Training, including a dedicated 2-day Staff Retreat
In August 2019, we paid back 25% of the loans we took on to purchase the new campus property site
Secured a Town Hall Meeting date for THIS WEEK to meet with Alderman and members of the community where our school will be built
Our prayer is for a support letter from the Alderman. Without this letter, we cannot be approved by the City of Chicago to move forward with construction plans. God is in control! We have already seen mountains moved, and each week brings new surprises and bountiful blessings as we choose to partner in God’s Kingdom work! Are you looking for a way to help? JOIN US this Thursday, September 12 @ 6 PM for a Town Hall Meeting at 3309 South Shields Avenue. Come out and support us! In His Grace, Bonnie Ho
親愛的朋友, 在我們歡迎學生返校的同時,也歡迎新加入尼希米計劃的支援者!我們還要真摯的感謝支持我們與我們一路同行的人。更重要的是,此刻,我們需要上帝的子民一手一足的把我們的學校帶入新的篇章。對於學生,我們有高標準的學術和靈命教育等著他們。同時,我們有著巨大的籌款目標要讓尼希米計劃向前邁進。這樣的目標,我們需要您的参与。 我們有太多感謝神的地方:
7 個星期的暑期班給330多名學生提供了服務
2 週的員工培訓以及工同的集體預備工作,還有2天的員工退修會
我們禱告的目標是市議員能給我們一封推薦信。沒有這封信,我們就不能被芝加哥市政府批准推進建設工程。 蒙神的眷佑!我們已經攀過了大山,天父多次給帶給我們带来新的驚喜和豐富的祝福。 您是否在思考要如何參與尼希米計劃?請出席市政廳的公听會,時間是9月12日,週四晚上6點,地點是南謝爾德街3309號。請來支持我們吧! 永沐主恩, 何何述珍