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You can do it too!

Dear friend,

A $40,000 matching challenge is on, and we have 7 days to match it! The clock is ticking, so double your gift today! Since the call for 5 loaves and 2 fish on February 16th, excitement swells in the air with the overwhelming response from supporters like you, thank you! We also received messages of encouragement, many of you are helping us get to the finish line with creative giving, and my heart is deeply moved by all of you. Here are but a few examples of your creative giving - On Sunday, March 17, from 1-2 p.m. (after the worship service), CCUC-South is having a food sale for our school's benefit. The delectable home-made fare will include wonton noodles, fish balls, tea eggs, and more! Head over to 3000 S. Wallace St. to purchase home-made goodies while giving to the school. Lisa’s Herbal Corporation at 2802 S. Wentworth Ave is lending us their space for our charity sale! Shop beautiful souvenir, toys and gift items there for family and friends, 100% of the sale price goes to Project Nehemiah! This sale is ongoing. Two of our parents are hosting their birthday fundraiser on andFacebook, and a few others are hosting fundraisers on Facebook as well! Please consider doing the same for Project Nehemiah! A supporter is running miles in this brutal Chicago weather in this brutal Chicago weather for sponsorship to raise money for our new school building! Another supporter is selling Crabtree & Evelyn hand cream and soap on WeChat, while a parent is knitting neck-warmers for those who donate $30 or more! The list goes on, praise God! Please let us know if you’d like to support any of them and we will contact them for you! I am forever grateful for the ways this campaign has blessed Pui Tak Christian School. Most of all, I am grateful for our supporters whose lives have been blessed and edified through giving. Thank you!

In His Grace,

Bonnie Ho


親愛的朋友, 一個四萬美元的籌款匹配挑戰行動即將啟動!發起者給我們的挑戰是在7天之內完成籌款匹配。倒計時已經開始,請在今天就讓您的捐贈翻倍!


芝加哥華人基督教聯合會城南堂(CCUC-S)將於3月17日週日下午1點,主日崇拜之後,為學校舉辦食品義賣,包括餛飩、魚蛋、茶葉蛋等等!歡迎您在當日下午1-2點前往3000 S Wallace St,您可在品嘗自製美食的同時支持學校擴建!

位於南永活街2802號 (2808 S. Wentworth Ave.)的藝康中藥店(Lisa's Herbal Corporation)將他們的空間提供給我們作為慈善銷售站!歡迎您前往那裡為家人和朋友選購精美的紀念品、玩具,和禮品,銷售所得全數收入將100%用於支持尼希米計劃!銷售會一直持續。

兩位學生家長在她們的生日時在 和「臉書」發起為學校擴建的籌款。其他支持者也在「臉書」發起籌款活動,希望您也為尼希米項目做相同的事!

為支持學校的新校園,一位支持者在芝加哥酷寒的天氣裡進行慈善長跑;另一位支持者在微信上銷售「瑰珀翠與艾芙琳 (Crabtree&Evelyn)」的護手霜和香皂;還有一位家長為捐款30美元或以上的支持者編織圍巾作為回饋!



祝愛主更深! 何何述珍

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