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October 2015 Newsletter

Dear Parents, Summer has come and gone, the fall season has started, and the school is entering into a busy season! October has been the month of programs and event preparations. Enrichment Programs have begun. Students are busy at work memorizing lines, designing sets & props, singing songs, and learning dance moves for our upcoming Christmas Program, A Tree Lot Christmas. November is the month of evaluations for both students and teachers. I take student development very seriously. The IOWA survey will be scheduled for November 13 for the 1st-7th grade classes. Parents, please make it a daily routine for your child to get a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time, especially on the IOWA survey day. The survey is to help gauge where every student is at so teachers can give them the support needed to move forward. I also take staff development very seriously. Teachers may get nervous the first time being evaluated, but once they've experienced it, they realize how good it is to have someone invested in developing them. Besides my bi-yearly scheduled teacher evaluations, I've got invitations from teachers to observe them taking a new approach or have me demonstrate a particular pedagogy we aim at perfecting. Every day my teachers are improving themselves more and more and thankfully I can take part in the growth of our students as well as our staff. In His service, Bonnie Ho

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