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'Tis the Season to Receive the December Newsletter

Dear Parents,

For months the students and teachers have put their time and energy into the Christmas Program. I was able to experience the preparation process first hand and must say, I was very pleased with what I saw. What excited me so much was how our students took on the challenges of memorizing lines, designing props, singing songs, and learning the message of the program.

I had the opportunity of going through the planning and preparation process with the students and directors. What made this program stronger than past programs, was the collaboration between directors and between teachers and students. Each director was in charge of an area of strength for themselves: Mrs. Jennifer Calito (Director of Play), Miss Janis Man (Director of Music), Miss Erika Huizenga (Director of Sets & Props), and Miss Grace Yoo (Director of Choreography). The student actors would have weekly practice after school, led by the directors, to go through scenes and memorize lines and blocking. Students helping with props and sets would meet in Miss Huizenga’s class to paint the backdrop, make fake bake sale goods, and create Christmas trees.

I saw such strong motivation from the student-body to put together a message to share with non-Christians and families. The students could be proud of themselves for what they were creating and took part in inviting people to come and watch the show. I was impressed by the students’ confidence level and spiritual maturity during the preparation process. The students understood what they were doing; they were carrying out a mission and sharing the gospel.

Thank you teachers, for putting this program together and for those who supported on the sidelines. Thank you parents, for helping students memorize lines, donating props, volunteering during the program, and coming to support your child. In His service, Bonnie Ho

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